i seriously cant wait cant wait for prelims to end!!! today's officially the last day of lessons! no more lessons till next year! it's the begining of mugging now! woah i really cant say how fast time flies. this year's a year of acceleration, where the hard becomes easy! my Daddy's more than enough for me he makes all things good just for me! =)
during ss caho shey jac and i were talking about entreprenuership! (i cant spell) haha how to get more pocket money! sounds quite fun! good way to get rid of unwanted junk! there's like so much stuff piling up in my room i dont know what to do with it! procrastinating the clear ups till after Os!
this song kept replaying in my head today! (the special item that coach ron did two weeks ago!)
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost it's grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
LOVE!!! =)
that's the most commonly used 4-letter word! =)
what am i without Daddy's love?
how blessed am i to know how much He loves me! =)
im a happy girl!
blessed week enjoying Daddy's love for you! =) i love you all!
dare on saturday was awesome. it was the first time i met delight, sweet babe from superd! was at dare that i really poured out everyhing i've been keeping to myself for the past week and i was ugly crying all the way.. receiving the reassurance that Jesus is faithful and He'll never leave me alone i felt so much at peace. we had dg and superd was split up.. im under coach julian together with alene mika claire shavonne vikki jack brian josh and i cant remeber who else. coach julian was sharing that Daddy places people in our lives to bless us. i know coach julian is a blessing to superd. although we're split up, im glad superd's still together and as crazy as ever! i really love superd, they've been such a wonderful blessing to me! =) after dare the leaders had appreciation dinner. i think it was really appreciation dinner cos it was unusually quiet for us at dinner without the leaders! we left really early that day.. when i reached home started having giddy spells. my room was spinning and i couldn't really move around so i slept real early that night.
sunday was at rousy's early to do chem, preparing for today's test. my headache was still bugging me and i slept for a while at tuition. rousy said i looked pale. i was napping on the bus to suntec. i seriously cant stand long bus rides. well praise God when i woke up i'd just reached. went to meet tsu ting daniel christon and waited for shavonne and claire to go for lunch. after which shavonne and i went for tuition. tuition was rather slack cos shavonne daryl and i finished oral already so we were just going through plots for compo with charissa. i came up with some silly plot that made myself laugh! went for 4th service with janey alene daniel and roger. service was fantastic. it's really refreshing to know that the king of all kings is for me and has a good opinion of me! dinner was hilarious. had fun laughing about "mind-boggling" stuff and i have arrived at a conclusion! i am not slow! i have the mind of christ okay! =)
was talking to isabel today, asking her to go for dare and ej camp. that was when i realised that choir's training camp falls on the exact same date as ej! and that's the training camp claire was telling me about! oh man. i really want claire and my sis to go. hmrp. ej camp's my first and last camp in dare! i cant wait cant wait! still cant believe i missed adv camp. anyway. tml's prelim bio pract!!! and i realised that this week and next are actually quite slack-ish weeks! um for me lah. haha. next week we only have to attend lessons on monday! tuesday's physics pract (haha what's physics?) wednesday's breaking some world record thing, thurday's compo exam and friday's teacher's day! slack huh!
i have cravings for chocolate!! =) hmm it's seriously late now so blessed sleep everyone! =)
i'm a child of the Lord most high
to begin the day.. i snoozed for a good half an hour when i reached school today. nua. lessons were as usually.. tiring. haha. lit was as usually.. useless.. im serious. math. ah i just cant stand those two moving things. cant they just happily sail home? why do i want to know who observes who from which direction and which angle? haiya. chinese suddenly pop out test.. i think i lost a good 20 marks already. =S
anyway anyway. the half-highlight of the day! oral oral oral oral! woah. everyone like kancheong spider.. haha. reported to hall at 2. they divided the students into 3 groups of 12. and i was 12th from the top! omg lah. i was still being happy i thought i was the first few. never felt so retarded before.
ok like when it finally reached chin meng i started feeling really jittery. due to the air con, i couldnt stop shaking! plus i was being nervous and all.. had to grab my arm to stop it from shaking! i dont know how i managed to actually walk across the hall to the examiners.. anyway. after observing the examiners ( i was starring at them from afar for two whole hrs) they both looked really stone-ish! i fear stone-ish examiners. like it increases tension! esp the malay examiner. she had that "dont-mess-with-me" look on her face. freaky. anyway. when i got there. um i was trying my best to smile! gosh. when i opened my golden mouth to read i couldnt recognise my own voice! i shocked myself. haha. during the conversation the examiners both started laughing at me! even the stoney one! and i didnt even know what i was talking about! i just said every first thing that came to my mind. couldnt remember a single oral technique ms ng taught! well i kinda figured why the examiners laughed.
1. they were really happy that they can go home soon!
2. they laughed for fun.
whatever the case. really really praise Daddy for seeing me through this whole entire scary thing. haha. i actually broke down, eh no. was crying and laughing at the same time. thank goodness it's over.
lala oh thank you yingen dear for taking bus down to marine parade library with me! =) you're so so sweet. =) lalala fastforward... went to marine cove to celebrate mika darling's bdae!! quite a number of people turned up!! lets see.. janey daniel brian nick shavonne mika alene and me! wow. during dinner alene needed to go "toilet" haha! we ran to gelare and got a yummy cheesecake for mika!! then we were

LOVES!!! i never knew macs had nice coffee!!

mika(in nic's glasses).. janey(um in her own glasses)

the FBT babes!

see no evil speak no evil hear no evil!!

our beautiful birthday babe!

alene and mika!

shavonne and mika!

claire we miss you so!!

shavonne and me!
lala! that's all the photos i took! the mutated and twin photos are with nick! hahas. i really really had fun today! =) blessed blessed week everyone!!
Through Christ who gives me strength
But sometimes I wonder what He can do through me
No great sucess to show
No glory on my own
Yet in my weakness He is there to let me know
His strength is perfect when our strength is gone
He’ll carry us when we can’t carry on
Raised in His power, the weak become strong
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect
We can only know
The power that He holds
When we truly see how deep our weakness goes
His strength in us begins
Where ours comes to an end
He hears our humble cry and proves again
His strength is perfect when our strength is gone
He’ll carry us when we can’t carry on
Raised in His power, the weak become strong
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect
two more hours darlings! yay! my daddy's coming home in two hours! im a happy girl. =)) zheng laoshi went for an opp today.. please let her be alright.. although lessons seem slackish without her presence, there's still a something missing. i guess once you've grown used to some things, it's hard to let go! guess that applys to my siblings as well? much as i want them to stop quarreling, it's wierd when they get all snuggly together. haha! well quarreling is part of growing up aye? but i think theirs is a little too much.. come on.. cant one of you just give in? hais.
i realised i was writing all out of point stuff for social studies.. i cant think properly when im being rushed! oh mans. i have a fast brain in jesus name! this brain needs a miracle. haha. ms kartini's huge huge coumtdown timer was really distracting.. imagine if like exam halls had all these big big countdown timers.. haha i wouldn't be concentrating at all then! tml's friday already. 37 days. that's realy fast. realised today, that when i was in sec3, i thought that o levels would never come.. always looked at my seniors and thought, nah, still a long time before i get there. haha so not true! gosh time really passes faster than i thought. cant believe i'll actually be graduating so soonish!
yesterday's health check messed up my hair! hahas. it was just a total waste of time. horrible mr tan was laughing at me for being abnormally yanked out when i was born. HRMP! im normal ok!
what makes me a happy girl? antm's coming back again! hurray hurray! finally i have something nice to watch. *laughs* well well back to bio! all the best for tml's test everyone! =)
oh oh.. sweet sweet song! =))
Faithful Friend-- twila paris/steven curtis chapman
Everyone knows you as a man of honor
I am glad to know you simply as a friend
You've always taken time to be my brother
And I'll be standing by you in the end
I will never put you on a pedastal
I thank the Lord for everything you do
I'll be there to pray for you and for the ones you love
I believe that
He will finish all he started in you.
I wil be an open door that you can count on
Anywhere you are, anywhere you've been
I will be an honest heart you can depend on
I will be a faithful friend
I am one of many whose path has been made clearer
By the light you've carried faithfully as a warrior and a child
God has used you greatly to encourage and inspire
And you've remained a true friend all the while
I will never put you on a pedastal
Cause we both know all the glory is the Lord's
But I'll be there to pray that He will keep you by his grace
And I always will remind you to be seeking His face
Should it ever come your time to mourn
I will weep with
every single time you win
I'm celebrating too